PMS Cramps & Pain a Problem?

Tired of Prescription or
Over-the-Counter Drugs?

Get Quick PMS Pain Relief Now

(Completely Natural with No drugs - No Side Effects!)

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Order Form

90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with our WSN® Painful Menstruation Relief Formula for any reason within 90 days, we'll refund your money.

Yes, I want to order the WSN® Painful Menstruation Relief Formula at $37.85 per bottle (a 60-day supply).

Yes, I understand if I am unsatisfied with this initial order of 1 or 2 bottles, I have 90 days to request a refund of the product price, which I will receive regardless of the reason for the request.

All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are
required to process your order.
Select your product quantity:
WSN® Painful Menstruation Relief Formula:
Your Information (for billing):
*First & Last Name:
If you are outside the United States, then select your country
before entering further address information.
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Business Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
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Your shipping address
(if different from above):
Please select your country before entering further address information.
Zip/Postal Code:
*Have you ordered from us before?
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How did you hear about us?

To Order by Mail (Check or Money Order)

1. Figure out your order total including shipping by clicking here.

2. Make the check/money order payable to:
"Real Health Products"

3. Mail it to:
Real Health Products
620 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 201
Glendale, CA 91203

All orders are processed and shipped via First Class Mail on the next business day from date recieved.

If you have any questions about the information on this site or would like more information about our products please do not hesitate to call or email.

Order Your WSN® Painful Menstruation
Relief Formula Today!

or call (888) 580-9390 or (818) 241-9080
or email:

Click here to see our Return Policy.

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WSN® is a registered trademark owned by Wellness Support Network, Inc.
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